Flat Front Mask with Nose Wire Channel and Filter Pocket - 4 Sizes!
This mask features a flat front allowing you to add an embroidery design to the mask without additional hoopings. Comes in 4 sizes, uses up to 6 fabric pieces, and includes detailed PDF instructions with photos.
Finished all in one hooping! NO additional stitching
4 Sizes. No 4X4 hoop size.
1. Flat front to be able to add personalization
2. Fabric that expands over nose and chin
3. Filter Pocket
4. Slots on the side to use with variable elastic, bias tape, or ribbon
5. Able to use with 2 ties around the ears or 1 long piece
around the back of the head.
6. Slot to add a piece of metal on the bridge of the nose
7. See PDF below for sizes and details.
8. Font is not included.
Flat Front Mask with Nose Wire Channel and Filter Pocket - 4 Sizes!
Creative Appliques is giving 25% off all purchases! Promotion ends on 12/31/2025.
This mask features a flat front allowing you to add an embroidery design to the mask without additional hoopings. Comes in 4 sizes, uses up to 6 fabric pieces, and includes detailed PDF instructions with photos.
Finished all in one hooping! NO additional stitching
4 Sizes. No 4X4 hoop size.
- Flat front to be able to add personalization
- Fabric that expands over nose and chin
- Filter Pocket
- Slots on the side to use with variable elastic, bias tape, or ribbon
- Able to use with 2 ties around the ears or 1 long piece
around the back of the head.
- Slot to add a piece of metal on the bridge of the nose
- See PDF below for sizes and details.
- Font is not included.
Terms of Use
- This product may be used to create limited products for sale. Bulk product manufacturing is not permitted.
- Font is not included with this design.
- The final product is not guaranteed to prevent viruses or other illness. Refer to the CDC for mask guidelines: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-...