FREE! A Trip through the Florals - 4 x 4
Please enjoy this set of Florals perfect for Mother’s Day. They would make great décor, on towels, placemats, and any project you would like to create. Please remember to hoop and stabilize well as there are lots of fancy fills, detail and some patterns are very large. I created 5 sizes for these designs as they are perfect for small and large patterns. Please help yourself to the free 4x4 pattern, the other sizes are included in the set.

FREE! A Trip through the Florals - 4 x 4

Merchant Click here to see all designs by
Emerald Originals
Price 0.00

Please enjoy this set of Florals perfect for Mother’s Day. They would make great décor, on towels, placemats, and any project you would like to create. Please remember to hoop and stabilize well as there are lots of fancy fills, detail and some patterns are very large. I created 5 sizes for these designs as they are perfect for small and large patterns.
Please help yourself to the free 4x4 pattern, the other sizes are included in the set.

Terms of Use

  • Save $$ by purchasing in a larger set!
  • This design is also available in a larger set. Just click on the "A Trip through the Florals Set" link in the "You might also like" section for more information.
  • This product may be used to create limited products for sale. Bulk product manufacturing is not permitted.