Ballet - Dance Embroidery Designs

Ballet - Dance

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$4.84 Dancer Gymnast - 4x4 $4.00 Teddy Cross Stitch - 5x7 $5.00 Dancing Bear Raw Edge Applique - 6x10 $5.00 Birthday Bunny Raw Edge Applique - 6x10 $5.00 Ballet Elephant Raw Edge Applique - 6x10 $4.99 Aloha Girl $4.99 Hula Girl - 4x4 $4.49 Ballerina - 4x4 $4.49 I Love Dance - 4x4 $4.99 Ballet Practice $5.99 Dance Mom Ballet - 3 Sizes! $5.09 Shabby Ballet Slippers - 4x4 $2.60 Feeling Crabby Applique 9 - 4 Sizes! $3.99 Abstract Ballet Dancer - 3 Sizes! $5.99 Dress Rehearsal - 2 Sizes! $5.49 To Dance is to Live! - 2 Sizes! $5.99 Dance! Its a Way of Life - 2 Sizes! $4.99 Born To Dance - 2 Sizes! $5.99 Tutu Cute - 4x4 $2.60 Elephants Appliqué 7 $5.99 Dance Slippers - 4x4 $5.49 Ballet Slippers - 4x4 $5.99 Dance Girls - 2 Sizes! $4.99 iDance Ballet - 2 Sizes! $5.49 Live, Love, Dance! - 2 Sizes! $3.99 Tall Dancer Outline - 2 Sizes! $8.79 Dance Shoes Applique - 2 Sizes! $8.79 Ballerina Shoes Applique - 2 Sizes! $5.50 Animal Ballerina 6 - 5x5 $5.50 Animal Ballerina 5 - 5x5 $5.50 Animal Ballerina 4 - 5x5 $5.50 Animal Ballerina 3 - 5x5 $5.50 Animal Ballerina 2 - 5x5 $5.50 Animal Ballerina 1 - 5x5 $2.60 Hippo Applique 11 - 3 Sizes! $2.60 Hippo Applique 5 - 3 Sizes! $4.99 Dancing Comes From the Soul, Male - 3 Sizes! $3.99 Dance, Male - 3 Sizes! $4.99 Live, Love, Dance - Male $3.99 Male Dancer Silhouette - 3 Sizes! $6.69 To Dance is to Live - 2 Sizes! $3.99 Dancer Silhouette - 2 Sizes! $5.99 Dance Like No One is Watching - 2 Sizes! $5.49 Dance Because You Can - 2 Sizes! $4.99 iDance - 2 Sizes! $4.29 Ballerina Girl - 4x4 $4.29 Always On Pointe - 5x7 $5.99 Highland Dancer - 3 Sizes! $8.09 Dancing Dreaming - 3 Sizes! $6.09 Penguin Dance - 4x4 $5.49 Dancers Outline - 2 Sizes! $7.39 Appliqué Ballet Slippers - 2 Sizes! $2.40 Cowboy Bear 8 - 4x4 $16.00 3D Ballet Dancer 5 - 2 Sizes! $3.20 FSL 10th Day Of Christmas - 4x4 $3.20 FSL 9th Day Of Christmas - 4x4 $16.00 3D Snowflake Dancer 2 - 2 Sizes! $16.00 3D Ballet Dancer 4 - 2 Sizes! $16.00 3D Ballet Dancer - 2 Sizes! $4.00 Fairy 3 - 5x7

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