Words and Phrases Embroidery Designs

Words and Phrases

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$12.00 Kitchen Rules Set - 5x5 $12.00 Kitchen Rules Set - 4x4 $3.00 Oh For Peeps Sake - 10 Sizes! $3.00 May Your Coffee Be Stronger Than Your Toddler - 10 Sizes! $3.00 I Love How We Don't Have To Say Out Loud 2 - 11 Sizes! $4.00 Beckert Seeds c.1894 - 8x10 $4.00 Mother Goose - 7x10 $3.00 Grandmas Are Moms With Lots of Frosting - 11 Sizes! $3.00 The Early Birds Can Have The Worms - 10 Sizes! $3.00 EGGStremely Cute - 10 Sizes! $6.49 Cat Meow - 4x4 $6.99 Purrrfect Cat - 5x7 $7.49 Moo Cow - 5x7 $7.49 Cute Cow - 5x7 $6.49 Swimming Angelfish $4.49 Princess Use Only Wand - 5x7 $4.49 Princess Power Wand - 5x7 $35.00 Forever USA Set - 4 Sizes! $4.79 Zing! - 4x4 $4.79 Bam! - 4x4 $4.79 Boom! - 4x4 $4.79 Whoosh! - 4x4 $4.79 Zap! - 4x4 $4.79 Pow! - 4x4 $10.00 Messenger Cushions, In The Hoop - 7x7 $3.00 So Berry Sweet - 6 Sizes! $3.00 Happy Little Camper - 6 Sizes! $3.00 Got My Drama From My Mama - 6 Sizes! $3.00 One Blessed Mama - 6 Sizes! $3.00 Believe in the Ears - 6 Sizes! $4.79 Hello Spring - 4x4 $4.79 St Patrick's Horseshoe - 4x4 $4.79 Happy St Patrick's Day - 4x4 $4.79 Easter Egg Hunt - 4x4 $4.79 Happy Easter with Bunnies - 4x4 $3.00 You Are Some Bunny Special - 9 Sizes! $3.00 Wine Because Its Not Good To Keep Things Bottled Up - 10 Sizes! $3.00 Turn Your Worries Into Prayers - 10 Sizes! $3.00 Mr. Bunny Hop Applique - 7 Sizes! $3.00 Miss Bunny Hop Applique - 8 Sizes! $3.00 If It Doesn't Challenge, You It Won't Change You - 10 Sizes! $3.00 I Before E Except After C, Weird - 10 Sizes! $3.00 He is Risen - 10 Sizes! $3.00 Darling Girl You Can Do Amazing Things - 9 Sizes! $3.00 Be A Mermaid & Make Waves - 9 Sizes! $3.00 Happy Easter - 10 Sizes! $3.00 Everything Is Funny As Long As Its Happening To Someone Else - 10 Sizes! $3.00 Young Wild and Five Embroidery - 4 Sizes! $3.00 I Dig Being 6 Applique - 5 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 13, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 11, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 10, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 9, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 8, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 7, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 6, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 5, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 4, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 3, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Gift Tag Applique 2, In The Hoop - 4 Sizes!